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LipoDDx the first free APP for Lipodystrophies now has its own academic article in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

"LIPO-DDX" the first free app to identify the different subtypes of rare lipodystrophies is now available in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
It is the first application to help doctors to better characterize the different subtypes of lipodystrophy and it is based on a personal algorithm developed by Prof. David Araújo-Vilar, with the support of the University of Santiago de Compostela, the Galician Health Service (SERGAS) and the International Association of Families and People Affected by Lipodystrophy (AELIP).

The article concludes that to date this app is about 80% effective and will be helpful for physicians who are not experts in this field. However, more cases will need to be analyzed to obtain a more accurate value of effectiveness.

Professor David Araujo-Vilar wants to remind that LIPO-DDD® will never replace the clinical criteria of a doctor with experience in the field of lipodystrophies.

The app, in Galician, Spanish and English, has already aroused the interest of reference centers in lipodystrophy worldwide.

LipoDDx is supported by the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Health Service.

This app can be downloaded for free from Apple Store or Google Play. 

If you want to read the whole article you can do it in the following link


LipoDDx the first free APP for Lipodystrophies now has its own academic article in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases LipoDDx the first free APP for Lipodystrophies now has its own academic article in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
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