The general secretary of Inserta Empleo, the ONCE Foundation's entity for training and employment, Virginia Carcedo, and the president of the International Association of Relatives and People Affected by Lipodystrophies (AELIP), Naca Eulalia Pérez de Tulela, have renewed their current agreement until December 2025 to promote the employment of people with this disability.
The purpose of this agreement is to articulate the collaboration between AELIP ASSOCIATION and INSERTA EMPLEO in order to advance towards full inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination of people with Lipodystrophy and their families.
INSERTA EMPLEO will make available to the members/users of THE AELIP ASSOCIATION the labour intermediation services it has to favour their inclusion in employment. In addition, training actions for employment will be carried out for people with Lipodystrophy and awareness and communication actions will be developed to promote the employment of people with Lipodystrophy, as well as promoting external academic internships for students with Lipodystrophy.